Monday, June 24, 2024

Leftover basket


I've been going through my basket of previously stamped images to use them
up.  I had over 12 acetate images stamped many years ago and run
through the Xyron.  Time to use them up!  A few I put Pearlex on the back
( third and fourth card)  then found it easier to use a variegated patterned
paper as a backing (first and second card).   I made about a dozen and this
is just a few of them.  I used snippets for most of the layers.  
 I have some Christmas ones left to play with another day.

A few fun challenges:

Card 1:
Snippets Playground #483:  7/8  All but card base are snippets 

Card 4:
Sweet Stampin: Fabulous flowers  7/3


Darnell said...

Well done, Donna! I love the designs you created to showcase these beautiful panels that have been waiting in the wings to come on the air! I need to get on mine one of these days because my stash is looking sad. Thank you for the inspiration! Hugs, Darnell

Carol L said...

These all turned out so pretty and good on you for digging deep into your stash to use up those items we keep for much too long. Each one looks fabulous, especially that scene in card #2!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Lovely cards, thanks for sharing one in our challenge at Allsorts

wannabcre8tive said...

They are all beautiful. It would be hard to choose a favorite. I love to try to use up things that need to be used. I think I have enough of them to keep me busy in my lifetime, but it seems I choose new images instead, most of the time.

Laurie Unger said...

Good for you for using up your snipets! I have tons! I really like how the acetate looks on the different backgrounds.

Nora Noll said...

I love that you used your previously stamped images on these cards. They came out GORGEOUS!! Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

DT Member
Cupcake Inspirations

*Vicki* said...

Wow, the backgrounds turned out so pretty with your stamped acetate images! I'm sure you're very happy about pulling out the panels and being able to use them up too! These are all fabulous cards my friend! Thanks for sharing!

Glittered Paws said...

All of the cards are beautiful - I especially like the scenic one. Good use of some of your stash.

Sarn said...

Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground with your first card as homework!!!

Very hot & sunny so we dragged the paddling pool out. See you by the pool!!! X

R's Rue said...

I love your cards.

Leanne said...

Nicely done, great scene cards, they are one of my favorites. Thank you for playing our ATG challenge this time at Cupcake Inspirations.

Have a great day!
Leanne DT Member/CIC

Fiona said...

lovely selection of cards, so pretty.

Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin.

Di said...

Wonderful cards - so good to see older goodies being dug out and used up!

Di xx